Stewardship Advocacy Training Unites Proctor and Intrenchment Creek

Youth participants in the Atlanta Watershed Learning Network along with their instructors
Community members who have learned to advocate for their own communities make the best mentors for those who are just beginning to get their feet wet. Since late April, Proctor Creek Stewards have been working and learning together with Intrenchment Creek Green Infrastructure Advocates to develop strategies to address flooding issues in and protect both the Proctor and Intrenchment Creek watersheds. ECO-Action, in collaboration with WAWA, The Conservation Fund, City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management and the support of American Rivers has engaged roughly 20 participants in each of four workshop sessions, developing their understanding about these watersheds and learning about green stormwater infrastructure, climate change and environmental justice issues related to flooding in these communities.

Participants and trainer brainstorming to identify potential projects.
The program deliberately mobilizes residents from both the Proctor Creek and Intrenchment Creek watersheds, partnering individuals who have some experience in green infrastructure advocacy with those who are new to it. Participants are now preparing action projects around the topics of 1) communications strategies that will engage additional residents and influence and elected officials and stakeholders for green infrastructure; 2) green infrastructure project development to address flooding issues; 3) water quality monitoring and accountability through citizen science; and 4) education for efficient water use and stormwater retention in homes and schools. Participants’ projects will be presented at the closing session to be held on August 5th at 11 am. The session will be held at the Georgia Hill Neighborhood Center, 250 Georgia Avenue, Atlanta Georgia 30312.
This training is an integral activity of the Atlanta Watershed Learning Network. This network enhances community outreach and engagement for the development and use of parks and the application of green infrastructure to address stormwater issues. By building community capacity to support the use of green stormwater infrastructure, Integrated Stormwater Management, and other sustainable measures, ECO-Action is building community capability to address flooding issues equitably while also protecting the Intrenchment and Proctor Creek watersheds.
For additional information about the Atlanta Watershed Learning Network, please contact Dr. Yomi at (678) 576-6715 or email