Tire Initiative to Reduce and Eliminate Dumping

ECO-Action worked with residents of Southwest Atlanta neighborhoods along with Georgia State University’s Department of Geosciences and Institute of Public Health to local and remove illegally discarded tires through the Tire Initiative to Reduce and Eliminate Dumping (T.I.R.E.D.).
The partnership:
- Removed more than 3,500 illegally dumped tires from Atlanta neighborhoods;
- Located and mapped of discarded tires in two Atlanta Neighborhood Planning Units;
- Collected and analyzed nitrous oxide in air samples in one neighborhood;
- Shared finding with the community and EPA during an Air Permitting workshop;
- Advised the Atlanta City Council Tire Commission and helped organize community support for the passage of the City of Atlanta scrap tire ordinance.
• Data and community journalism strengthen the case against illegal tire dumping – Neighborhood Nexus